
Showing posts from September, 2018

Website Setup

Setting up PRJ666 Group Site: Prerequisite :     Ubuntu Server with SSH     Apache2 setup and Configured Getting a Template:    Since we just need to have a simple way to display our work progress, quickly grabbing a template should be fine, For this case we're going to use the PRJ566 site outline + CSS    Save the following files from the PRJ566/666 Site       Index.html       mystyles.css    Now let's edit Index.html in order to display what we need in a organized fashion.  Here is the code for the table,  Note that each group member has a task html  This is to keep a easy record of who did what when, allowing for simple navigation   For simplicity the user page will feature the same table, however will only display work for the specific date range This is a table filled with sample data, Once one html page is done, simply copy and rename them for each person. Then FTP your VM and transfer the files!    We

Setting up Apache

Connecting to Our Ubuntu Server: Requirements: PuTTy, Login Details, Port Once the fields are correctly filled in we can go ahead and connect. Upon login we’re going to want to start setting up our Apache 2 server, to do this we first need to run 2 commands listed below to install Apache 2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 You will be prompted during the installation of apache2 about memory being used. Installing will take about a minute to process. Once we are in we need to enable the UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)                 Sudo ufw enable Then check the status of that firewall                 Sudo ufw status Now we can see that site is setup in our var/www/ directory, we need to change it to ours so that its easier to make updates. First, we navigate to apache root and change the 0000-deault.conf file. We need to change the line in which it specifies our document root. I used vi, Sudo vi 000-default.conf, changing t